Unlocking the Three-Tier Universe: Exploring Higher Consciousness, the Unconscious, and the Mundane in Life and Art
I hold the belief that our existence unfolds within a three-tier universe, comprising an upper world, a lower world, and a middle world.
In a way, we can liken them to the celestial heavens, hell, and earth, each carrying its own significance. For those with an inclination towards psycho-spirituality, these tiers can be recognized as higher consciousness, the unconscious, and the mundane world.
The mundane world encompasses everything tied to our daily lives – the simple yet essential tasks of self-care like nourishing ourselves, tending to financial obligations and establishing a consistent sleep routine.
One can envision these tiers as phases that shape our experiences: fully engaging with life, reflecting upon its intricacies, or delving into realms that propel us toward profound transformation. It is through the integration of all three levels that a comprehensive process unfolds, allowing us to truly embrace the multifaceted nature of existence.
It's not uncommon for us to find ourselves residing more prominently in one of these realms- at different times. Take, for example, those exhilarating moments when we fall head over heels in love, immersing ourselves in the upper world of enchantment and bliss (upper world). Or, we might embark on a journey of self-discovery through therapy, unraveling the threads of our past traumas by exploring our dreams or engaging in traditional talk therapy (lower world).
And then there are those periods when life calls us to pause between these realms, and just deal with events showing up. Whether it's moving to a new place, embarking on a pragmatic study, or, like in my case over the past month, adopting a new puppy, we find ourselves grounded in the middle world, dealing with life as it unfolds in the moment.
In this dynamic dance of existence, we shift and sway between these realms, experiencing the diverse facets of our human journey. By recognizing and honoring the calls of each world, we embark on a path of wholeness and harmony, integrating the different aspects of our lives into a beautiful tapestry of growth and transformation.
Meet my dog Luka! He’s a Shepard Mix.
This delightful pup has brought the activities of the middle world right to the forefront of my life. As I prioritize his needs, I've noticed a welcome shift for myself toward a more consistent eating and sleeping schedule. It's quite significant because, over the last couple of years, I have been all over my personal habitual map. So I thank this bundle of fur for showing up.
Now, I'm curious to hear where all of you find yourselves in the process of life. Feel free to leave a comment and share your experiences!!
And just like life, our art practices can mirror this journey. Sometimes, we find ourselves “chopping wood and carrying water,” like cleaning our studios, ordering supplies, or discarding the old, eagerly awaiting inspiration to ignite and transport us into the higher realms. Other times, we channel our emotions, painting out our griefs and working through troubling times with each brushstroke.