Do you feel like you are treading water in your art practice?

Turning out the same imagery again and again instead of taking risks?

I do, often. I wish someone would have told me about this part of the process years ago. We all tread water from time to time. We go through the motions with no visible progress. Our work, when we are true to the process, changes. Work is just that - work.

We show up, problem-solve and open ourselves to guidance on a consistent basis until one day the epiphany of a breakthrough graces our studios, kitchen tables, or, the places where we attend workshops. 

The only way through it- well, is through it. You keep doing the same thing again and again until something changes. 

Stay with the boredom. Ask questions along the way. Allow fear to come up. When you want to paint the ugly green monster in the middle of your painting, but you tell yourself that is stupid- paint the ugly green monster! See what happens. Maybe nothing, but at least you made a different move.

Ruin the painting? 

So what?

You can always make another one. 

Want to find a new way to bring a more intuitive flow to your art practice? I invite you to join me Live!

Thanks for reading!


Discernment and Harness: Techniques for Painters


The Benefits of Having a Painting Practice