Parting the Veils of Perception
It Takes Two, oil on panels, 30 x 60
In my art work I strive to “live” - as in spend more time in a different perspective than what we all sometimes consider the “real” world.
In laymans terms this might be called fantasy or imagination.
But I believe it’s much more than that.
Some scientists dedicate a lifetime to the realms of proving this shift of perspective as real.
For instance, a quantum physicist would invite you to consider nine, or sometimes eleven, dimensions existing at once.
"But how do we get there?” might be the bigger question.
My painting practice asks of me to consider the realms of molecules and movement. The properties of paint and color do this.
Then... it's an attitude of " reception" to move myself into a shift.
I work with the illusion of atmosphere- something sensed and something seen -symbol. In my case it often appears as a vessel, my transport
I believe the veils to our world are thinning- we are being asked in a Big way to consider beyond our Blue and Red thinking and process differently.
Our Limited perception literally needs a BREAK- ---THROUGH
Consciousness will only agree at the level it is conscious of.
To part the veils we need to be willing to consider what type of thoughts we nourish in order to understand why events unfold as they do.
We get conceptually how we become sheep in a herd. But can we be conscious of it even as it happens?
We know what the wool being pulled over the eyes means in a literal world.
What feeds us- what do we consume? What news outlet do we put all our trust in?
Do we question all? Look at things a little different- take in new information we might consider - AS - NO WAY!
Look, over there, molecules dissolving all around us- an opening.
The magic. The childhood wonder.
“Everyone sees the unseen to the proportion of the clarity of the heart. And that depends on how much one has polished it . Whoever has polished more sees more - more unseen forms become manifest ” Rumi
I am beginning to add to my you tube channel- check it out here and subscribe.