Breathing - Breath

Ever forget to breathe?
a life time of holding in
our short shallow breaths as a way of life.

Breathe in - something wanted
Breathe out- letting go

This precious breath-

A moral issue-
A right to breathe-
A social issue-
Don’t breathe on me.

If we breathe in real slow three times-
three times a day-
It can change the course of our day-
Do this every day it can change the course of our lives.

Slow and even …centered breath.

Truth is -
sometimes I forget to breathe-
I take it for granted-
I lose patience with my counts.

My breath…
Our breath-  mana- our magical spiritual force.

Breathe something wanted right on down to our bellies
Take it in-
Breathe something to release-
Letting go.

Our breath belongs.

Me - You - We  

They - Them - Us

And for those who can’t….
We practice
Breathing with them..  breathing for them

Me- You- We
They- Them -Us

The mother giving birth…. Breathing in

The father leaving life …. Breathing out


How has the concept/meaning of breath changed for you over the last nine months?

Would love to hear your thoughts, scroll down below.

Thanks for Reading,

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Upcoming 2021


Here is a short youtube snippet of me discussing the meaning behind my latest works in the studio:


Subtle Intrusions


Wonder Woman and Her Psychic Galactic Shield