Prosper and Protect...

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Protect Self .... Privacy
Protect Family... Huddle
Protect Community.... Share
Protect World.... Function

Lately, this dismantling of our world has felt nothing short of dysfunctional and therefore -

But - in another breath I believe we are protected somehow
if not just by the sheer force of our
own benevolence towards self.
Maybe on the upswing we are all in the practice of growing up and
learning to discern what matters most in this precious life of ours.

Because... just ‘who is protecting what’ is becoming blurred around the edges.

Personally I want to prosper my life forward into doing less and experiencing more.
If the world is deconstructing itself -I want to go along for the ride and find the deeper crevices that need untangling from the inside out.

And maybe when we get to the act of reconstruction I will better know myself and what this new prospering world might need to look like.

To take a seat in the expanding universe of protection.
Idealistic ? Maybe.
I want to process and protect our personal explorations to reach deep and find what matters.

Write a poem
Sing a song
Paint a feeling
Love more not less
It’s a practice!

Warmly and Fondly,

Thank you for Reading,

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